
God bless Milania Rose

Milania Rose Santos, was baptized on Palm Sunday, April 14th. The daughter of William Santos and Samantha (Gonzalez) Santos. Proud godparents were Elias Feliz and Beverly Montes. We congratulate Santos and Gonzalez families as well as grandparents and friends on this special occasion. 

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection. We welcome Milania as the newest member of our parish.    

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God bless Ariel Faith

Sacrament of Baptism Ariel Faith
Sacrament of Baptism – Ariel Faith

On Sunday, December 2nd, our parish witnessed the Sacrament of Baptism administered to beautiful Ariel Faith. She was also celebrating also her first birthday. What a beautiful birthday gift! She is the daughter of Shana Rodriguez. The proud godparents were Victor and Krystle Rodriguez. We congratulate Rodriguez family and welcome Ariel Faith as the newest member of our parish.

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Congratulations Neo-Presbyter David

Deacon David Gaydos ordination to Holy Priesthood took place on Sunday, October 14th in our parish. He has served for the past thirty years as a Deacon in the Central Diocese and helped throughout the diocese when priests were sick or took their vacation time. Fr. David is now serving as a supply priest helping Bishop Bernard Nowicki with any needs in the Diocese.

Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki presided the Holy Mass of Ordination, Prime Bishop Anthony Mikovsky preached the inspirational sermon. The following priests were in attendance: Fr. Sr. William Chromey from Dickson City, PA, Fr. Sr. Gregory Mludzik from Wallington, NJ, Fr. Joseph Cyman, Pastor of Holy Cross, Woodland Park, Fr. Donald Wunderlich, from Lawrenceville, PA, Fr. Carmen Bolock from Duryea, PA, Fr. Andrew Koterba from East Meadow, NY and Deacon William Gaydos from Holy Cross, Woodland Park. The organists were Jessica Muccilli and Neil Estanislao. About one hundred fifty people came to witness and pray at this special and unique celebration in the church and joined for the reception in the parish hall prepared by Gaydos family and Holy Cross parish members.

We thank all for their attendance and we wish God’s blessing to Fr. David, his wife, Laurie and Gaydos family.

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Bishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter on Vocations

To the Very Reverend, Reverend Fathers and the Reverend Messrs., and my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord:

¡Viva el mes de junio! That’s Spanish for “Long live June,” “Hurray for June.” Hurray, indeed! And welcome to the month of vocations in the Polish National Catholic Church: June is Sacred Vocations month for us. June is the month we focus on our great need for priests, and on the need for significant donations throughout the PNCC to be made to the Clergy Pension Plan.

Our need of priests is dire and critical, but I am nonetheless hopeful and optimistic. Even though no Polish National Catholic families have sacrificed even one of their men, young or old, to our altars in the past twelve years, (and it doesn’t look like any family will in the near future), I remain optimistic. Even though our seminary has been empty for that period of time, except for the occasional priest from another Church orienting himself there to work as a priest in the PNCC, I have good reason to hope because I have experienced God’s providence. Our parish in Denver was declining but was pulled back from the brink of closure by an Hispanic priest from Mexico and 90 people of Mexican heritage who now comprise the great majority of that parish. St Francis, Denver, is growing, and is enthusiastically PNCC, and is flying 18 young people and 6 adults to Convo 2018 here next month.

Because Father Alfonso Castillo needs pastoral help there, I enthusiastically agreed to review applications from priest friends of his in Mexico to provide assistance to him, and subsequently serve our American parishes desperate for priests. In our Diocese, two priests, in fine parishes, are retiring next year. I have no one to fill them. A priest in our Diocese is on three parishes in Jersey. Three priests are on two parishes each. And there are ailing and aging priests all over the place! And yet I am hopeful. So I say, ¡Viva México!

With the increase in aging clergy comes the need for our Clergy Pension Plan to support them all. We collect for this vital entitlement throughout the year and especially in the month of June. We need more capital to invest, the interest from which the pension payments are made. From age 70, a PNCC priest can look forward to a monthly check in the amount of $600; and his widow, a check in the amount of $300. Please be generous in this drive. And so I say, in my optimism, ¡Viva el Plan de Pensión del Clero! (Hurray for our Clergy Pension plan!)

I believe God is showing us a potential direction for the future of our Church; and that pathway seems to be presenting itself from south of the border. For the Methodist Church, that pathway is from South Korea, and for the Roman Catholic Church, from India among other sources. In light of all of this, Bishop Hodur has indeed blessed us with a most optimistic motto for our Church when he penned: A través de la Verdad, el Trabajo y las Dificultades ¡Venceremos!

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Bernard

To read the original version as a PDF file.

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God Bless Luciana Maria

On the Solemnity of Holy Trinity, Sunday, May 27th we heard the commission of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He sent apostles to proclaim the good news, make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We witnessed the fulfillment of the Gospel through the Sacrament of Baptism administered to Luciana Maria Aldas Pillasagua, the precious daughter of Angel Aldas and Wendy (Pillasagua); proud godparents were uncle and aunt: Gustavo Hualoto and Susana Aldas. We congratulate parents, godparents, family members and friends on this special occasion.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.
We welcome Luciana as the newest member of our parish.

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First Holy Communion

On the Solemnity of Pentecost we witnessed the celebration of First Holy Communion administered to Roxanne Cadavid, Joseph Cadavid, Dominic Porcoro Jr., and Julianna Porcoro. We congratulate them and their families on this special day.

The new recipients of the Holy Eucharist are welcomed to participate in the life of the parish by serving as altar servers, and in the future, as lectors reading the Word of God.

The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ who is really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood… (Catechism of the PNCC)

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God Bless Dominic-James and Julianna Theresina

We congratulate Dominic-James Porcoro Jr. and Julianna Theresina Porcoro on receiving the Sacrament of Baptism on May 15th. They are children of Dominic Porcoro and Jena Wramage. Proud godparents are Dennis Hoffmann and Jennifer Porcoro; Gustavo de Suoza Rocha and Michelle Porcoro-Marino.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.

We welcome Dominic and Julianna as the newest members of the Church.

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God Bless Michael Joseph

On Sunday, May 13th, the Seventh Sunday of Easter, and Mother’s Day, we welcomed the newest member of our parish – Jackson Joseph Rutch through the Sacrament of Baptism. Jackson is the precious son of Michael Joseph Rutch and Elizabeth Lillian (nee Vasquez). Proud godparents were Luis Manuel Vasquez and Maria Molina –Vasquez. We congratulate Rutch and Vasques families, relatives and friends on this special occasion.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.

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God Bless Leila Rose

We congratulate Leonard William Schaefer and Lidia (Aguilar) Schaefer for on the baptism of their precious daughter, Leila Rose Schaefer on Sunday April 8, 2018. We also congratulate the proud godparents, Daniel Schaefer and Sandralis Barbosa as well as grandparents, members of Schaefer and Aguilar families, relatives and friends. We welcome Leila as the newest member of the Holy Church.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christs’ Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.

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God Bless Valentina Rose

We congratulate Nelson Castillo Jr. and Kiara Marie (Santiago) on the baptism of their precious daughter, Valentina Rose Castillo on Saturday, April 7th. We also congratulate the proud godparents, Brandon Santiago and Isabel Castillo as well as grandparents, members of Castillo and Santiago families, relatives, and friends. We welcome Valentina as the newest member of the Holy Church.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christs’ Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.

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