
God bless Louis Salvador

On Saturday, June 17th, Louis Salvador Bradbury, son of Stephen Bradbury Sr. and Pilar Rey Bradbury received the Sacrament of Baptism. Proud godparents were Richard Krumm and Wilma McBain. We congratulate Louis’ parents Stephen and Pilar on this special occasion, as well as family members and friends. The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments… Through Baptism we are regenerated and become members of Christ incorporated into His Church. In baptism we are immersed into death and resurrection of Jesus. As God made the covenant with his people, so through Baptism Jesus makes a New and Everlasting Covenant with his followers.

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God bless Omar and Jasmine

We congratulate Omar Habith Cotes and Jasmine Nicole Cotes who after preparation, received the Sacrament of Matrimony on Sunday June 11th. Omar and Jasmine are blessed with two daughters, Isabella and Angelise.

Marriage in the National Catholic Church, “is not simply the Church giving its blessing to the natural union of man and woman, but rather is uniting the new couple in the eucharistic fellowship and thereby placing the marriage in the context of the mystery of the Church. Marriage is concluded as a sacrament by the blessing of a lawfully ordained minister.” Proudly attending Omar and Jasmine were Natalie Lazar and Aida Santiago.

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First Holy Communion

Our parish joyfully witnessed the celebration of First Holy Communion on Sunday May 21st. We congratulate Diego, Justin, Jazlyn, Arianna, Jhyanna and two adults Kandri and Stefanie who received Holy Eucharist for the first time. We thank Mary Vitaletti for helping Fr. Joseph in providing First Holy Communion classes for children. During the Holy Mass, the children and two adults participated in the liturgy be reading the Prayers of the Faithful and bringing to the altar the offertory gifts of bread and wine. We thank parents for their help and support as well as for sponsoring beautiful flowers for this special occasion. We thank our organist, lector, altar servers, greeters, and ushers who served at the Holy Mass and everyone who attended the liturgy last Sunday. In the Holy Eucharist, Jesus Christ is really present under the forms of bread and wine. He gives us himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest or bishop says the words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood.

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Baptism of Gabriela Rosalie

On Sunday April 2, 2017 the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Gabriela Rosalie Racanati, the daughter of Francesco Racanati and Krista (Campbell).

The proud godparents were, Scott Russo and Danielle Russo. We congratulate Racanati, Campbell and Russo families, relatives and friends on this special occasion of welcoming Gabriela as our newest member of our parish and member of Christian family.

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God Bless Genesis Joann

God bless Genesis Joann Figueroa, daughter of Luis Figueroa and Juana (Herrera) who received the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, January 22nd. Proud godparents were Angel Obando and Leslie Landa. Best wishes to the Figueroa Family and our prayer that they find Holy Cross to be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.

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Christmas Eve Holy Mass with Youth

On Christmas Eve at 4 pm we traditionally holy Holy Mass with our children’s participation. They wear costumes of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Three Kings and angels. The youth read the Holy Scriptures, the prayers of the faithful and sing Silent Night with lighted candles.

We thank the youth, their parents, School of Christian Living teachers and all who helped to celebrate the Birth of Jesus in such a meaningful way. Merry Christmas to our web site visitors and Facebook friends.

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The Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, November 6th we were joined by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki who celebrated Holy Mass and administered the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism/Confirmation to nine confirmands. Assisting Bishop Nowicki were our Pastor, Fr. Joseph R. Cyman and Deacons David Gaydos and William Gaydos.

Congratulations and prayers for all our confirmands and their families and sponsors:

  • Oby Charbel Eid, Sponsor – Andrea Eid
  • Christopher Nicholas Galindo, Sponsor – Lissette Ruiz
  • Daniel Joseph Galindo, Sponsor – Jazmin Rivera
  • Jazmine Cecilia Garcia, Sponsor – Jacqueline Monroe
  • Aida Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Lynn Imperiale
  • Rosa Milagros Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Alexandra Lazor
  • Brandon Luke Mercado, Sponsor – Eunice Hierro
  • Rana Rita Mikhail, Sponsor – Reem Mikhail
  • Joshua Jude Rivera, Sponsor – Maritza Mercado

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