
Baptisms at Holy Cross

On Sunday November 8th Holy Cross parish witnessed two baptisms administered to two precious girls,

Jhyanna Emma Beato, daughter of Jose and Marjorie Beato; godparents were Andre Foster and Viviana Patino;

And Camryn Giavonna Colon, daughter of Cesar and Christina Colon; godparents were Carlos and Jessica Laabes.

The Sacrament of Baptism regenerated Jhyanna and Camryn as members of the Christian family, living stones of the Church which is the mystical body of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Congratulation to parents, godparents, family members and friends on this special occasion.

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Hannah Eileigh – Regenerated in Christ

On Sunday October 11, 2015 the Holy Cross Church witnessed a joyful celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism administered to Hannah Eileigh Joyce, daughter of Patrick Joyce and Jaclyn McDonald. Proud godparents were Joseph Joyce and Meagan Popa. We congratulate to parents, godparents, grandparents, relatives and friends on this special occasion. The words of Jesus were fulfilled: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

The Sacrament of Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation; the birth into new life in Christ.

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A Week of Baptisms

On Sunday July 19th our parish witnessed four baptisms – two cousins and two sisters:

Arianna Vyktory Ketter; daughter of Darius Ketter and Dayana (Cafa) and Gerard Cafa; son of Cliff Ghazaii and Concetta Cafa. Proud godparents were: Rosario Cafa and Concetta Cafa, Erick Moran and Angelica Moran.

Athena Melany Galindo and Viviana Bella Galindo, daughters of Fernando and Jennifer Galindo (Torres). Proud godparents were: Ferdinand Valentin, Bertha Krapukaitis, Steven Pomales and Jacqueline Monroe.


On Saturday July 25th two cousins were baptized:

Romeo Uriel Echevarria, son of Jessica Martinez and Isaac Echevarria and Natalya Selena Lopez, daughter of Elvys J. Lopez and Mayra Sarabia. Proud godparents were: Melvys Lopez, Carolina Lopez, Elvys Lopez and Mayra Sarabia.

Baptisms Romeo and Natalya

We congratulate their parents, godparents, family members, relatives and friends on this joyful moment of regeneration.

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God Bless Our First Communicants

On Sunday May 17th our parish witnessed a joyful celebration of First Holy Communion. We congratulate the following children who received the Holy Eucharist for the first time: Roselyne Esther Caceres, Christopher Michael Galindo, Marcella Angelina Galindo, Daniel Joseph Galindo, Alesayra Lopez, Maritza Isabel Ortega, Destiny Nicole Ortega and Jean Rubio. We congratulate their parents, godparents, relatives and friends and we thank all family members who brought the children for communion classes. Special thank you to Ms. Mary Vitaletti for helping Fr. Joseph in preparing children for this special occasion.

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Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Pomante

On Friday October 10th the Sacrament of Marriage took place at Holy Cross Church between Emily Elizabeth Gaydos and Christopher Brian Pomante. The proud parents of the bride were Deacon David and Laurie Gaydos; the proud parents of the groom were George and Patricia Pomante; Maid/Man of Honor: Bethany Squillante/Scott Gaydos; Best Man: Mark Pisco.

St. Paul says, …Marriage is a great mystery that reflects Jesus’s unconditional and perpetual love for the members of His church. To that mystery each married couple is called – to unconditionally love each other in happy moments and in any times of challenge. Marriage is a little bit of a crazy “contract” in that it is an unconditional promise not knowing what the future brings, having trust and faith in Christ’s love and the support of Christian community. In God’s eyes, marriage is the foundation of His society. We see marriage at the beginning of creation, at the beginning of Jesus ministry and on last pages of the bible as the vision of eternal life…


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The Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, November 9th, our Bishop ordinary, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki confirmed:

  • Lina Dian Savina Abdelfatah, Patron Saint – Bl. Savina Petrilli, Sponsor – Angela Sanita-Soto
  • Pamela Michelle Angela Caceres, Patron Saint – St. Angela Merici, Sponsor – Juan Pablo Caceres
  • Anthony Steve James the Greater Caceres, Patron Saint – St. James the Greater, Sponsor – Sabina Duma
  • Ned Elias Leo the Great Kiame, Patron Saint – St. Leo the Great, Sponsor – Angel Aldas
  • Kimberly Vanessa Elizabeth Matute, Patron Saint – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Sponsor – Manuel Chunchi

The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in your youth’s religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The minister of confirmation is the bishop. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism. The bishop says: “I sign you with the sign of the cross and I confirm you with the Chrism of Salvation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism). The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthen to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.

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God bless Alexander Michael

Alexander Michael Lambright son of Nathan Lambright and Rachel (nee Merson) was baptized on Sunday, November 2nd. The proud godparents are David Merson and Jill Merson. We congratulate grandparents, relatives and friends. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the life of the children of God; It configures the person to Christ and obliges the Christian to share in the Church’s apostolic and missionary activity.


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God Bless Ryan Richard — Regenerated in Christ


On September 7th we welcomed Ryan Richard Petruzelli, son of Adam Petruzzelli and Carolyn Petruzzelli (nee Hrinuk) as new member of the Church through the Waters of Regeneration in the Sacrament of Baptism. The proud Godparents are Mark Petruzzelli and Amanda Marotta. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the life of the children of God; It configures the person to Christ and obliges the Christian to share in the Church’s apostolic and missionary activity.

We congratulate Ryan’s parents, Godparents, family members and friends on this special event.

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God bless you Noah James

We welcomed a new member into our Christian family through the waters of regeneration on Sunday, August 10th. Noah James Calo, son of Robert Calo and Waleska (nee Arroyo) received the Sacrament of Baptism. The proud godparents were Joseph and Michele Castaldo. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the life of the children of God; It configures the person to Christ and obliges the Christian to share in the Church’s apostolic and missionary activity. We congratulate Noah James’ parents, godparents, family members and friends on this special event.


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