The annual Christmas Dinner was held last Sunday December 9, 2012. We enjoyed great attendance. We are thankful for the delicious and abundant festive food donated by Deacon David Gaydos and his wife Laurie, prepared by Edward and David Obssuth and their helpers.
The Sunday school students presented a program which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas came and distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be good for another year.
We thank Renata Cyman who decorated the hall, Claire Centrella who with the help of Merry Sleece and ANS members organized 20 baskets of Tricky Tray. In addition to that, there was a 50/50 cash prize and ANS Basket of Cheer raffled. Our words of appreciation are addressed to those who helped to clean up after the event. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for last Sunday’s celebration. Merry Christmas!
We will hold our annual “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 9th after 11 A.M. Holy Mass. Adults $12. THE CHILDREN and YOUTH will be free of charge. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for an enjoyable afternoon with great menu and a Christmas Program by the children of our School of Christian Living. St. Nicholas (Santa) will visit us with presents for the children.
We thank the teachers of our School of Christian Living once again for their service in the 2011-2012 academic year. The parish gave our teachers beautiful roses representing our appreciation for their time and effort on behalf of our children. The parish also gave awards to the children for their good attendance and participation (Barnes and Noble certificates).
At 11 am Holy Mass from the left: Father Joseph Cyman, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, students: Michael Cyman, Nayef Kiame, Melissa Betancur, Ned Kiame, Nicholas Desch, Natalie Cyman, Neil Kiame, Hailey Hagal, DavidTorres, Sarah Malenchak. Missing in the picture are Mrs. Karen Paulison, Chris Paulison, Aubrie Santos, Jessie Santos, Gabriela Rotsaert, Amber Harth.
SOCL will start classes again on Sunday, September 9th. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation. God bless you all!
Our annual Christmas Dinner was held last Sunday, December 4th. We enjoyed great attendance, delicious and abundant festive food prepared by Deacon David his wife Laurie, Edward Obssuth and their helpers. Our School of Christian Living students presented a play which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas came and distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be god for another year.
A Candle basket and 50/50 cash prize were raffled. We thank also ladies who brought delicious bake goods. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for last Sunday celebration. Merry Christmas!
Polish National Union of America District #2 Meeting
The Polish National Union of America District #2 fraternal organization of our Church met quarterly at the meeting on Saturday, November 12th at Transfiguration of our Lord parish in Wallington, NJ. The election of new officers took place and various issues of the organization were discussed. In our parish hall you can find several pamphlets telling about PNU programs. For further information you can contact Alice Kriskewic, Judy Lamping or Fr. Joseph.
Confirmation Class
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered by Rt. Rev. John Mack, Bishop of the Central Diocese in spring of 2013. The next classes are scheduled as follows: Sunday December 11, 2011, January 15, 29, 2012 at 10:10 AM. The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in youth’s religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism.
The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthened to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.
In the picture from the left: Carlos Garcia, Michael Cyman, Chris Paulison, Melissa Betancur, Nicole Romero, Amber Harth, Nayef Kiame and Fr. Joseph. The following students are also in the Confirmation class: Cris Carnemolla, Monica Kulbacki, Alexis Kulbacki and Jasmine Negrini.
First Communion Class
It is an enjoyable time for Fr. Joseph to prepare these students for their special celebration of receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, May 20, 2012. The next preparation classes for First Holy Communion are scheduled as follows: Dec. 11, 2011; January 8, 22, 2012 after 11 AM Mass. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood.
In the picture from left: Natalie Cyman, Vanessa Smith, Ariana Rubio, and Kaylee Gonzales who are preparing for their First Holy Communion with Fr. Joseph.
New Hymnals
On Sunday, November 13th, after 9am Holy Mass Alice Kriskewic and Judy Lamping presented the new PNCC hymnal to our organist, Neil Estanislao. The choir members are equipped with new copies. We invite and encourage interested parishioners to share their vocal and musical talents for the good of the parish. The choir is helping the congregation to sing hymns during Sunday liturgy. We thank Neil for his service as organist in our parish. We thank, as well, Jessica Muccilli for her service when Neil is not available.
On Sunday, November 27th we began the season of Advent. At the beginning of Sunday Masses in Advent we light one candle on the Advent wreath. They symbolize hope, love, joy and peace which Jesus brought into our lives.
Our Annual Advent Tree project, coordinated by our parishioner, Pat Olsen, started on Sunday, November 27th. Through our efforts, the project will be benefiting the less fortunate of our society. This will help boys and girls of DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) as well as senior men and women from EVA’S Village.
You are being asked to take a tag from the tree and write your name in the registry located near the tree. Please affix the copy of the tag you take from the tree to your gift so that the present may be given to the proper individual. All gifts are due back on Sunday, December 18th. Your generosity will be appreciated and rewarded by the Lord who asks us to take care for the needy.
Next Sunday, December 4th, after 11 AM Holy Mass we will have our annual Christmas Dinner with a special program called “Happy Birthday Jesus” provided by the students of School of Christian Living.
Children and youth are free of charge. We ask adults to donate only $12 per person while we provide this special menu: Tilapia with Mango Sauce, Roast Chicken, Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Cheese Ravioli and more.
In addition to that, Santa Claus – (St. Nicholas) will come to visit our children and give them presents. SOCL Children prepared gifts for attending guests.
You can’t miss this special event!
So far seventy people made reservations. We presume that some may forgot about this event or didn’t have time to reserve the tickets. Please let us know if you are planning to attend. You can purchase tickets at the parish office or reserve tickets and pay at the door. Let us know ASAP but no later than Wednesday evening. After November 30th we will accept only 10 more guests. You may call us at 973-256-4888 or send an E-mail.
Food Drive – A food drive to benefit the Father English Food Pantry will be held on Sunday, November 13th. We ask all children to bring one non-perishable food item and place their “gifts for the poor” in the basket which will be located in front of the altar. We all need to remember the words of our Lord: “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Thanksgiving Eve Holy Mass – Everyone is invited for a Thanksgiving Eve Holy Mass on Wednesday, November 23rd at 7 p.m. Let us give thanks for the Almighty God for all His gifts which we so often take for granted.
Christmas Dinner – “Happy Birthday Jesus” – December 4th after 11:00 a.m. Holy Mass – Don’t forget to mark your calendars for an enjoyable afternoon with great menu and Christmas Program by the children of our School of Christian Living. Admission for School Of Christian Living (SOCL) Children will be free.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in young adults’ religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The minister of confirmation is the bishop. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism. The bishop says: “I sign you with the sign of the cross and I confirm you with the Chrism of Salvation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism). The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthen to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.
Our parish gives the opportunity for the children to participate in First Holy Communion classes. Students who started second grade this year, or are older, are eligible to take classes. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: “This is My Body… This is My Blood” (catechism).
I am looking forward to your help in preparing your sons and daughters for the celebration of these sacraments by bringing them to classes and Sunday Mass. Some of our youth have sport activities on Sunday afternoon, therefore I decided, for their convenience, to have classes on Sunday morning at 10:10 AM. Masses are at 9 AM and 11 AM. I contacted Bishop John Mack who will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in Spring 2013. The schedule of classes was sent to the youth and placed in the parish hall. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time by calling 973-256-4888 or 201-247-4832.
Sunday school classes will resume on Sunday September 11, 2011. The program is free of charge. Classes are held every Sunday from 10:10 A.M. to 10:50 A.M. Masses are conducted at 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Coffee hour takes place in the church hall at 10:00 A.M. for everyone to spent time in fellowship.
“Youth Mass” is held on the third Sunday of the month and children are encouraged to participate as altar servers, greeters, ushers, and choir members; in recitation of the “prayers of the faithful”, and in the “offering of the gifts”. All children especially talented musically or vocally, are encouraged to join the choir.
Sunday school students not only receive a religious education but participate in a variety of enjoyable activities provided by the teachers and the parish. These activities include pumpkin picking / apple picking and hay ride, a visit from St. Nicholas and Christmas party, an Easter Egg Hunt and party, a graduation ceremony, picnic and much more.
Last Sunday, June 12th, our School Of Christian Living had graduation day. Good and participation awards were given by the teachers of SOCL to the following students:
Level I – Pre-school – Kindergarten
Jassie Santos – good attendance
Aubrey Santos – good attendance
Level II – 1st and 2nd grades
Natalie Cyman – good attendance
Neil Kiame – good attendance
Level III – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Angie Cardona – good attendance
Nicholas Desch – good attendance
Chris Paulison – good attendance
Elizabeth Fernandez – good attendance
Syera Plitt – good attendance
Nayef Kiame – good attendance
Ned Kiame – good attendance
Amber Harth – participation award
Level IV – 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
Michael Cyman – good attendance
Emily Fernandez – good attendance
Henry Fernandez – good attendance
The students with good attendance received $10 gift certificates and students with participation awards received $5 gift certificates to Barnes and Noble. All students received SOCL certificates signed by Bishop Anthony Mikovsky, Fr. Joseph R. Cyman and the teacher of each class.
The Holy Cross Parish, children and parents thanked the following teachers Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, Mrs. Karen Paulison, and Mrs. Jamie Santos, and substitute teachers Mrs. Karen Peano, Mrs. Carol Montero, and Ms. Alissa Paulison for their time and efforts in preparing and conducting the lessons.
SOCL student list changes in fall 2011: Emily Fernandez will begin high school in fall 2011. Even though she will leave SOCL she will stay as an active member of Holy Cross Church Youth Group. Other students will be placed to SOCL levels according to their age.
We hope that in 2011 we will increase the number of students in our SOCL.
The program is free of charge and special social events were already scheduled for 2011 – 2012 school year. Dear parents and students, invite other children to enjoy our program. School Of Christian Living classes will begin on Sunday, September 11th.