There are several students of School of Christian Living who will receive attendance awards this Sunday, June 13th at the end of 11 AM Mass. Their names will be revealed on Sunday!
All students attending SOCL classes will receive certificates. Parents, please come with your children to enjoy the closing ceremony.
On Sunday, September 12, 2010, the children will begin classes after summer recess. Please register your child/children for Fall 2010. The application is available for download here, and in the parish hall. Thank you.
Last Sunday May 23, 2010 nine (9) students of Holy Cross Parish received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time. We congratulate all of them, their parents and families on their special occasion.
The children participated in the liturgy of the Mass be reading the prayers of the faithful and by bringing the offertory gifts to the altar. We also thank the parents for their monetary donations to defray the cost of flowers and First Holy Communion books. The flower arrangements beautified our sanctuary and decorated the children on this special Sunday.
To continue Christian education, I ask all parents to register your children for our School of Christian Living program. In the fall we will begin SOCL classes on Sunday, September 12, 2010.
In addition to that, boys and girls are invited to join the group of altar servers at any time. To continue practice of serving as altar servers please contact Fr. Joseph or Deacon Bill Gaydos. Thank you.
We thank teachers of S.O.C.L. for organizing the Easter egg hunt. The children enjoyed hunting for over 100 eggs inside and outside of the church premises. Snacking on many food items which were donated were enjoyed by all in the parish hall.
St. Nicholas with children and teachers of Sunday School S.O.C.L.
Today’s Parish Christmas Dinner was one of the most enjoyable events we had at Holy Cross. Thank you to all who in any shape or form made this event possible and successful. — Fr. Joseph
A group of dancers from St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Garfield performed entertainment
The main event in the month of November was the celebration of the blessing of the church rectory on Sunday November 15, 2009. We cherished the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, Bishop of the Central Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church. He presided over the Mass with co celebration of available Sunday morning clergy of NY / NJ Seniorate. The Bishop’s inspirational homily invited us to witness our faith in building the Holy Cross Church family as our testimony of God’s presence in our community.
Organist, Neil Estanislao is playing in the sanctuary the Prayer of St. Francis – “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” with children singing during the Offertory. Bishop Anthony Mikovsky is celebrating the Holy Mass with clergy assisting Fr. Senior Wieslaw Pietruszka, Fr. Joseph Cyman, Pastor, Fr. Stanley Kural and Deacon David Gaydos.
The celebration of the Mass with the presence of the Bishop Anthony Mikovsky was spiritual nourishment for us all. The beautiful liturgy with the youth and congregation participation was remarkable. The Adoration Society took part in the procession, the youth read the prayers of the faithful, the children sang an offertory hymn – “The Prayer of St. Francis – Make me a channel of your peace.” The lectors, altar servers and ushers took part in the celebration.
Bp. Anthony Mikovsky is blessing the rectory of Holy Cross Church after the Mass on Sunday November 15, 2009. It was beautiful weather that day with dozens of people participating in this special celebration of Holy Cross Church family.Bp. Anthony Mikovsky is blessing the engraved pavers with the names of families that donated over $1000 toward the rectory expansion. As of Nov. 22, 2009 the following are eligible to have engraved pavers: The Bucci – Gulla Family; The Cabrejos Family; The Cyman Family; The Daum Family; The Hitchcock Family; The Holy Cross Church, Commack, Long Island; The Katinsky Family; The Kiame Family; The Lazor Family; The Ludkiewicz Family; The Merson family; The Michinski Family; The Obssuth Family; The Peano-Asbaty Family; The Pellegrini Family; The Plaxa Family; The Rotsaert Family; John Ruyzam Family; Joseph Ruyzam Family; Stella Skawiski; Helen Skawinski; The Sleece Family; The Suhok Family; The Yuswacks Family. We thank them and all others who supported this important project.
Following the Mass, on a beautiful day, the blessing of the enlarged rectory took place in front of the rectory. The blessing of engraved pavers with family names of generous donors took place in the parish hall. A delicious dinner was sponsored by my Cyman family as our little appreciation for the rectory expansion. Delightful food was prepared by my wife, Mrs. Renata Cyman with the help of volunteers Hughie and Beverly Vickerilla, Angela Bucci, Tatiana Mludzik and desserts donated mostly by the ladies of Adoration Society.
Bishop Anthony Mikovsky received the bouquet of flowers donated by Adoration Society. Flowers were presented by Michael and Natalie Cyman – “Thank you Bishop Anthony for coming to Holy Cross Church and blessing our church rectory,”
During the reception, Dominick Bucci, the rectory expansion project coordinator, commented on the power point presentation. Several pictures described the progress of the building expansion. We thank Dominick for his remarkable involvement throughout the time of preparation and expansion of the rectory.
Dominick Bucci (first from left) received the Stewardship Appreciation Award for his outstanding involvement in the rectory expansion project. Award was presented by Edward Obssuth, Chairman of the Parish Committee with acknowledgement from Bishop, Anthony Mikovsky, Father Joseph Cyman, Pastor, and Al Katinsky, Chairman of Stewardship Committee. At the dinner Dominick Bucci commented the power point presentation of several pictures that were taken during the construction time.
My family would like to thank the Parish Committee who not only initiated the rectory expansion in 2007 but made important decisions to help finalize this project. We would like to thank each and everyone who in any shape or form supported and helped to build the rectory expansion and who continue to support the Building Fund. We thank also those who were part of the dedication ceremony on Sunday Nov. 15, 2009.
On behalf of Holy Cross Church, Commack, Long Island, Father Senior Pietruszka presented $1,000 check as donation toward our rectory expansion. We thank Holy Cross Church, Commack, Long Island for their generous donation.
Today on Sunday November 29, 2009, we begin the holy season of Advent. Four Sundays of joyful time of Advent are given by the Church as our preparations for the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord. I wish that we all prepare our souls to welcome Jesus once again into our hearts and into our lives. On this special Solemnity of Christmas, we need to let Jesus be born again in us and in our homes. Before this celebration takes place, there will be a lot of responsibilities that we must accomplish either in our homes, work places, or schools. In addition to that we need to set aside time for private prayer and Sunday worship with our parish family. Advent is above all time to set aside for our spiritual growth. Furthermore in this time we need to be aware about the needs of others, especially those who are less fortunate in our society. Therefore, we keep in our parish a wonderful program called the ADVENT TREE. This will help boys and girls of DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services), senior men from EVA’S SHELTER and women with babies from SHELTER OUR SISTERS. All gifts are due on Sunday, December 13, 2009. Next Sunday, December 6th the children of School of Christian Living will present a Christmas program during the dinner after 11:00 a.m. Mass. Let us invite our friends and enjoy together this spiritual event. We thank you in advance for your generosity toward our parish especially at Christmas time so that we can balance our annual budget. Soon we begin New Year “2010”. I strongly encourage all of you to make an important resolution to attend Christmas celebrations and attend regularly Sunday Masses in year 2010.
May we all keep Christ in our hearts at Christmas and throughout the New Year 2010.
May the Lord send upon you, and your dear ones, His abundant blessings in this Holy Season and throughout the New Year – 2010!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – 2010!
Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – 2010!
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Novell L’Année 2010!
Feliz Navidad y Buen Ano Nuevo 2010!
Froehliche Weinachten und ein gutes neues Jahr 2010!
Father Joseph with Family and the Parish Committee
P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers. – Fr. Joseph
CONVO 2010:
CONVO 2010 will be held July 26-30, 2010. Cost will be $285. All payments must be postmarked no later than June 1, 2010. After June 1st, a $25 late fee will be required to be paid in addition to the initial $285. All late payments must be in by June 25th. No payments may be made after June 25th, 2010
Spaces are filling up!!!! Make your reservation before all rooms are gone!!!! For more information check out the CONVO 2010 website or send an E-mail.
Next Convo Meeting will take place on January 30, 2010 at 11:30AM (Inclement weather will cause a re-schedule to February 6th) at Holy Mother of Sorrows Parish in Dupont, PA. All who can please attend! Remember, this is Central’s year to bring the youth of Christ’s Church together at Convo, let’s make it the best yet!!!
At the last Stewardship Committee meeting the following plans have been made:
We would like to restart our Prayer Chain (by telephone). We need ten members of the committee. We have six people. We need additionally four. The Payer Chain members would help by informing other member of the parish of someone who is ill or needs help. In case of inclement weather, the members will inform about different Mass Schedule if such case will occur.
Would you be interested in coming and sharing your time and treasure for a project(s) to help the less fortunate of our society. For example supplies for homeless (sleeping bags), school supplies for children, tray favors for veterans etc. We would meet only when there is a need to share our time and talent. Please sign your name to the sign up list in the parish hall if you are interested but nothing will begin until the end of January.
We congratulate Jennifer and Richard Bartolozzi for being blessed with the birth of their daughter Kaylan Grace, 9 lb 9 oz, 22 inches on November 1, 2009. We congratulate big brother, Logan and big sister, Kiley as well as Bartolozzi, Hitchcock and Niedzwiecki families.
We congratulate our Organist Neil Estanislao and his wife, Mylen for being blessed with the birth of their precious baby girl, Isabella Bernadette. She was born Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 8:33pm in Christ Hospital (Jersey City). 7-lb 5-oz and 18-in long. Organist Neil received a gift for his daughter presented by members of St. Nicholas Ministry, Alfreda Bazanowski and Richard Daum.
On Friday October 30, 2009 the Bucci family hosted its third annual Halloween Party. Food, drink and snacks were abundant and the decorations were outstanding. A disc jockey was provided to entertain the youth and the adults. Games and a costume contest added to the fun. Ironically, a young man dressed as a rabbi was one of the winners in the most creative category. The parishioners are enthusiastically looking forward to the next Halloween party. Another new idea and a great success for Holy Cross…..
Thank you to all who participated in the guess the weight of the “great pumpkin fundraiser and helped our youth in their plans for the convocation. A “big” thank you is given to Michael Lazor who donated his “great pumpkin” for this fundraiser.
During the months of October and November our parishioners were asked to guess the weight of the “great pumpkin” at $1.00 per guess. This fundraiser is one of many that the teen youth group of Holy Cross has planned to raise money for the religious convocation that will be held on last week of July 2010 at Monmouth College, NJ. Guesses ranged from 1 lb. to 5,000 lbs which is quite comical. The actual weight of the pumpkin is 45 lbs. and 9 ounces. Congratulations go out to Jasmine Cabrejos who came closest to the exact weight!
The School of Christian Living class Brianna Harth, Matthew Montero, Michael Lazor, Alissa Paulison and Mrs. Claire Centrella would like to thank parishioners for donations of non-perishable food items and six Shop Rite gift certificates each valued $25. Six large food baskets were prepared and delivered to Memorial School on Monday Nov. 23, 2009.
In addition to that, five bags of groceries, bag of toys and three turkeys were given to Father English Food Pantry, Paterson. It was a wonderful gesture to be mindful of those who are less fortunate in the time of Thanksgiving and approaching Christmas. The next Food Drive is scheduled on Sunday January 17, 2010.
A group picture of the youth present before the Mass at 11:00A.M. on Sunday November 15, 2009.
The Parish will hold a Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 6th (St. Nicholas Day) after 11 A.M. Holy Mass.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for an enjoyable afternoon with great food and Christmas Program by the children of our School of Christian Living. The Menu will be provided in upcoming Sunday bulletins. Please reserve your tickets earlier. The deadline to purchase tickets is Sunday, November 29, 2009.
Our Class of the School of Christian Living would like to donate baskets of Thanksgiving Meals (non-perishables) to those in Woodland Park who are less fortunate than we are. Please bring your items (listed options below) to church on Sunday, November 15 and 22, 2009 so baskets can be put together and delivered for the holiday. Thank you, Alissa, Matthew, Brianna & Michael
Items Needed: $25 Gift Cards for supermarkets (to be used for turkeys), Canned Goods (vegetables), Cranberry Sauce, Canned Pumpkin for pies, Pie Crust Mix, Boxed Stuffing Mix, Canned gravy, Boxed Potato Mix, Paper Products, and anything else you think of.
The S.O.C.L. teachers and parents of the children of Holy Cross will meet at 10:10 A.M. on Sunday, October 11th for their monthly updates and planning. Please be reminded that students will be attending “choir practice” in lieu of classes. Please encourage your children to attend these rehearsals which will be held monthly throughout the school year. Your support and cooperation is very important to the success of our new endeavor – A YOUTH CHOIR!!
The beautiful calendar summer with its good adventures is almost ended. Our children went back to school to continue their education. The regular schedule of our parish ministry begins today, September 13, 2009. The School of Christian Living program starts as well and our teachers are eager to hear children’s summer stories. The teachers Mrs. Michele Lazor, Mrs. Karen Paulison, Mrs. Claire Centrella and Mrs. Jamie Santos, who joined the faculty are ready to serve our children for their spiritual benefit in school year 2009 – 2010.
For me and my family it was a unique and special summer. Two months of the rectory expansion took place from June 26 to August 21, 2009 and passed very quickly. It was a time filled not only with some noise, dust, and little discomfort but also a good time of witnessing all stages of the project. There were several meetings with many people that were involved in the construction. It was a time to observe the fruits of hard labor. Sometimes and my family and I were involved with making decisions and doing a little of the work as well. The Parish Committee accepted Dominick Bucci to be a coordinator for this building project. My family and our parish can’t thank him enough for his remarkable service he did and the time he spent to communicate with SRK General Contractor LLC, Garfield, NJ. Because of his involvement, the job was well done. At the end of the project according to our plans, the painting was done by the volunteers of the parish to defray the cost of the project. In addition to Dominick, we are thankful to his sons, Brian and David and Lenny Hrinuk who gave us a hand. I can’t forget my wife’s work and children who did their share too. After a couple of days of painting, my daughter had a question: father, you are a priest and you are painting? Yes my honey, I do it for you. Yes we enjoyed being part of this project.
In conjunction of this expansion there were other jobs done in our parish. The old ceiling tiles with leaking marks going to the choir loft were replaced with new one. The floor in the parish hall by the windows was fixed by Dominick Bucci. The old wooden floor in the Break Panel Room was replaced with the new tiles. The old electric outlets in the rectory were replaced with new ones. The old wooden floors in the rectory were refurbished. The cement ramp was poured and the double door to the parish hall was accommodated as handicap accessible. Men of the Parish Committee moved furniture from the tea room and church kitchen and the floor was cleaned and waxed. Bob Sleece moved the furniture back. The crack on the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary along Browertown Rd. was fixed, ASIES Group, Fairfield, NJ. The cement footing was poured for the “small” statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the rectory. The patio in front of the rectory was completed. The old and cracked counter-top and old cabinets in the rectory kitchen were replaced with the generosity of SRK General Contractor. Many of these jobs were charitably done or done with a great discount in lieu of advertisement placed in our bulletin. Let us pray and support our benefactors. We thank all parishioners who supported our project and showed their generosity by giving donations toward Building Fund.
THE BLESSING OF THE RECTORY ADDITION will take place on Sunday November 15, 2009 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky the Bishop of the Central Diocese. On that Sunday there will be one Mass celebrated at 11:00 A.M. followed by the blessing of the addition. The reception will take place in the parish hall. A buffet style dinner will be provided and sponsored by the Cyman Family as a token of appreciation for the accomplished project. All are invited to attend this event with the opportunity to meet Bishop Anthony Mikovsky. Please write the name of your family and number of people attending on the sign up list located in the parish hall.
We are getting ready for Flea Market sponsored by combined efforts of ANS and Daughters of Holy Cross on Friday September 19, 2009,
Our Fourth Annual Beefsteak Dinner Saturday will be held on September 26, 2009
Our annual Tricky Tray on Friday, October 23, 2009.
In addition to that with the efforts of Parish Committee our parish will have new Parish photo directory taken
on October 27-28-29, 2009 by Universal Church Directories of Mansfield, Ohio.
Finally, we all have the responsibilities and a privilege to worship our God on Sunday – Keep Holy the Lord’s Day. We come to the church to present to the Lord many personal intentions and the needs of others. Each Sunday our Savior invites us and nourishes with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love.
May God richly bless you. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.
Sunday school classes will resume on Sunday September 13th. The program is free of charge. Classes are held every Sunday from 10:05 A.M. to 10:50 A.M. Masses are conducted at 9:00 A.M. And 11:00 A.M. Childcare is provided during the 9:00 A.M. Mass for children 2-5 yrs. Of age. Coffee hour takes place in the church hall at 10:00 A.M. (between Masses) to promote fellowship and encourage new members to meet parishioners.
“Youth Mass” is held on the third Sunday of the month and children are encouraged to participate as altar servers, greeters, ushers, and choir members; in recitation of the “prayers of the faithful”, and in the “offering of the gifts”. A new addition to the S.O.C.L. Program is the “Youth Choir”. Rehearsal is held on a monthly basis at 10:00 A.M. (in lieu of classes). All children especially talented musically or vocally, are encouraged to participate in the program.
Sunday school students not only receive a religious education but participate in a variety of enjoyable activities provided by the teachers and the parish. These activities include a Halloween Parade and party; pumpkin picking, apple picking and hay ride, a visit from St. Nicholas and holiday party, an Easter Egg Hunt and party, a graduation ceremony, picnic and much more.
If your child is interested in attending this program he/she must be at least 3 years of age.
Level I – Pre-school – Kindergarten
Level II – 1st and 2nd grades
Level III – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
Level IV – 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
For more information call Father Joseph Cyman (973-256-4888) or Supt. Michele Lazor (201-825-5809). For more information about Holy Cross Church contact 973-256-4888 or contact us by E-mail.