Thank you

Advent Tree Project Accomplished

We thank everyone who participated in the Advent Tree project and our parishioner, Pat Olsen, who coordinated this noble cause. It benefited the less fortunate of our society – boys and girls of DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services), and men and women living in Eva’s Shelter, Paterson. Over forty gifts were donated to above mentioned institutions. Your generosity is appreciated and rewarded by the Lord who asks us to take care of the needy.

In the picture the Advent Tree (that had been covered in names tags before) has been changed into a Christmas tree due to the generosity of our parishioners.

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Christmas Party for Jesus

Our annual Christmas Dinner was held last Sunday, December 4th. We enjoyed great attendance, delicious and abundant festive food prepared by Deacon David his wife Laurie, Edward Obssuth and their helpers. Our School of Christian Living students presented a play which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas came and distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be god for another year.

A Candle basket and 50/50 cash prize were raffled. We thank also ladies who brought delicious bake goods. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for last Sunday celebration. Merry Christmas!

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Thank you for your generosity

Dear Friends – Thank you!!!

Last Sunday we concluded our food collection. We assembled eight beautiful Thanksgiving baskets (each one had $25 Gift card from Supermarkets, boxes of stuffing, plates, cans of non-perishables for a Thanksgiving Dinner) for our local residents and eight bags of non-perishable food items and two bags of clean clothes for the Fr. English Food Pantry in Paterson. All items were delivered on Tuesday, November 22nd; baskets to Memorial Middle School, Woodland Park and bags to Paterson for the needy. In each case many words of appreciation for our generosity were expressed by the nurse of the school and the workers at the Fr. English Food Pantry.

We certainly fulfilled last Sunday’s Solemnity of Christ the King by fulfilling our Lord’s command:

“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” — Matthew 25:40

We thank all those who brought items and gave monetary donations to purchase the gift cards. We thank our youth and their parents who wrapped the baskets last Sunday after 11 am Holy Mass. Happiness comes from sharing as expressed in the smiling faces of our youth.

Fr. Joseph and the Parish Committee.

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Thank You – Tricky Tray Guests and Workers

Our successful Sweet As Candy Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 21st at Three Saints Orthodox Church, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.

Our special thanks are expressed to those who:

  • Donated Regular, Super and Grand Trays;
  • Gave monetary donations / participated in 50/50 Raffle;
  • Served as captains / sold admission tickets;
  • Did advertisement and solicitations;
  • Picked up donations / Numbered the trays for the Program / Set up the hall on Thursday;
  • Delivered and set up trays on Friday;
  • Sold tickets at the event;
  • Served as runners / Served in the kitchen;
  • Served as MC / Served as security guard;
  • Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event;
  • And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize Tricky Tray 2011.

Thank You and God Bless you.

There were over 200 prizes awarded.

Our 50/50 Winners:

1st prize – Arkadia Kotarski – $926
2nd Prize – L. Triggiano – $556
3rd Prize – Mr./Mrs. Yuswack – $370

Our $750 Cash Winner was – Lisa Corner


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Thank you – Drive-in organizers and participants

We thank organizers and participants of last Monday’s Drive In Movie. We watched the movie “Mars Needs Moms,” a Walt Disney Picture, by Simon Wells.

We had about 50 viewers enjoying the weather, friendship, refreshments and the movie. Several people helped to organize this fundraiser for our youth. We thank:

  • Natalie Lazar for organizing this event, producing a flyer which was included in the bulletin and on the web site. Natalie also donated bags, powdered sugar, flour, chocolate syrup, and eggs;
  • Antonio Lazar who prepared a BBQ of hot dogs and prepared other items;
  • Claire Centrella who donated hot dogs, buns, licorice, chips, popcorn;
  • Merry Sleece who donated hot dogs;
  • The Kiame family for their donation of soda and water;
  • The Fernandez family for their donation of water;
  • Kathy Villagomez who donated whipped cream;
  • Renata Cyman who donated strawberries and bananas; and
  • Karen Paulison who donated hot dog buns.

We also thank and appreciate the help offered by John and Natalie Lazar’s friend who set up the screen, projector, computer, and speakers.

Fr. Joseph.

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Youth Car Wash Thank You

Youth Car Wash at Holy Cross Church was held Saturday, July 16th. We accepted free will donations and we raised $225. Wow!

Thank you to following families: Bucci, Cabrejos, Centrella, Cyman, Desch, Fernandez, Kiame, Mupo, and Reyes and those who came and supported this fundraiser. We had great time and a lots of fun.

Our Youth you did a great job!! You made my day! Thank you.

Fr. Joseph

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Special thank you

We would like to thank the St. Nicholas Ministry who donated Easter flowers for the sick and homebound of our parish. All home bound greatly appreciated the fact that they are remembered by the Holy Cross Church family. Special thanks are extended to Lucy and Richard Daum, who made arrangements to purchase flowers and delivered them to the church. We thank also Alfreda Bazanowski for sending cards to home bound, and for special occasions to our parishioners on behalf of Holy Cross Church.

Our Parish recently received a bequest of $5,000 as a beneficiary of Jean Biegel’s Last Will and Testament. Jean Begiel (96) passed away on Dec. 11, 2010. As a token of appreciation our parish remembered Jean last Sunday April 3, 2011 during both Holy Masses. We ask parishioners to remember Jean in personal thoughts and prayers. Each Friday the Holy Mass is celebrated with the intention for the benefactors of Holy Cross Church. Eternal rest, grant unto her O, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Special thanks to

  • Deacon David Gaydos prepared a delicious St. Patrick’s Dinner and, with his wife Laurie, donated food they purchased.
  • Bob and Merry Sleece donated basket of cheers.
  • Mrs. Renata Cyman sponsored entertainment provided by Davis Academy of Irish Dance.
  • Edward and Beverly Obssuth donated items for door prizes.
  • Edward Obssuth, Hughie Vickerilla helped in the kitchen. Christian and Juan Reyes, Roger Zibor, Nelly Cabrejos helped after the dinner doing clean up.
  • Dominick Bucci, Penni Lazor and Michael S. decorated the parish hall.
  • Hughie & Beverly Vickerilla and Karen Hitchcock donated St. Joseph’s Pastry for the dinner. We thank anyone who donated baked goods, cleaned after the event and supported this fundraiser.
  • We thank anyone who helped in any shape or form to make this event a success. Great job!!!
  • We thank Nelly Cabrejos for cleaning altar linens.

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Parish Elections and Thank you

We congratulate the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee and members of other services elected at the Annual parish meeting held last Sunday February 13, 2011:

PARISH COMMITTEE: Dominick Bucci (Chairperson), Bob Sleece (Vice Chairperson), Karen Hitchcock (Secretary), Richard Daum (Treasurer); Trustees: Edward Obssuth, Alice Kriskewic, Adele Merson, Hughie Vickerilla, Claire Centrella, Penni Lazor and Lynn Imperiale.

PARISH TRIBUNAL: Penni Lazor and John Surak

AUDITORS: Lucia Blaschak, Karen Peano, Judy Lamping


SENIORATE COUNCIL: Judy Lamping and Alice Kriskewic

We wish all elected members successes in their service for our parish.

We also thank all those who brought delicious salads, sandwiches, and doughnuts for refreshment during the Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. Also, we thank our high school students who provided care and a program for the children during the Parish meeting sessions. As a result we had more adults attending the meeting and more youth participating in School of Christian Living program. With combined efforts we can look forward for another good year at Holy Cross Church.

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Thank you for your support

Our successful Luck of the Draw Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 22nd at Three Saints Cultural Centre and Orthodox Church, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.

Many people worked hard to make this event a success. Taking under consideration the weak economy we had many generous donors of beautiful trays. This event brought in a good number of people. Consequently our Tricky Tray was another success of our parish. Our special thanks are expressed to those who:

  • Donated Grand, Regular and Super Trays;
  • donated Door Prizes;
  • gave monetary donations;
  • paid for 50/50 tickets;
  • served as captains;
  • sold tickets;
  • did advertisements and solicitations;
  • picked up donations;
  • numbered the trays for the program;
  • set up the hall on Thursday;
  • delivered and set up trays on Friday;
  • served at the event by selling tickets, actings as runners, or working in the kitchen;
  • served as MC or security guards;
  • cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event;
  • and, to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize our Tricky Tray 2010.

And most especially and particularly to all who came out to support this event.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Fr. Joseph, Parish Committee and the Tricky Tray Committee

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