Thank you

Special thanks to

  • Deacon David Gaydos prepared a delicious St. Patrick’s Dinner and, with his wife Laurie, donated food they purchased.
  • Bob and Merry Sleece donated basket of cheers.
  • Mrs. Renata Cyman sponsored entertainment provided by Davis Academy of Irish Dance.
  • Edward and Beverly Obssuth donated items for door prizes.
  • Edward Obssuth, Hughie Vickerilla helped in the kitchen. Christian and Juan Reyes, Roger Zibor, Nelly Cabrejos helped after the dinner doing clean up.
  • Dominick Bucci, Penni Lazor and Michael S. decorated the parish hall.
  • Hughie & Beverly Vickerilla and Karen Hitchcock donated St. Joseph’s Pastry for the dinner. We thank anyone who donated baked goods, cleaned after the event and supported this fundraiser.
  • We thank anyone who helped in any shape or form to make this event a success. Great job!!!
  • We thank Nelly Cabrejos for cleaning altar linens.

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Parish Elections and Thank you

We congratulate the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee and members of other services elected at the Annual parish meeting held last Sunday February 13, 2011:

PARISH COMMITTEE: Dominick Bucci (Chairperson), Bob Sleece (Vice Chairperson), Karen Hitchcock (Secretary), Richard Daum (Treasurer); Trustees: Edward Obssuth, Alice Kriskewic, Adele Merson, Hughie Vickerilla, Claire Centrella, Penni Lazor and Lynn Imperiale.

PARISH TRIBUNAL: Penni Lazor and John Surak

AUDITORS: Lucia Blaschak, Karen Peano, Judy Lamping


SENIORATE COUNCIL: Judy Lamping and Alice Kriskewic

We wish all elected members successes in their service for our parish.

We also thank all those who brought delicious salads, sandwiches, and doughnuts for refreshment during the Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. Also, we thank our high school students who provided care and a program for the children during the Parish meeting sessions. As a result we had more adults attending the meeting and more youth participating in School of Christian Living program. With combined efforts we can look forward for another good year at Holy Cross Church.

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Thank you for your support

Our successful Luck of the Draw Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 22nd at Three Saints Cultural Centre and Orthodox Church, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.

Many people worked hard to make this event a success. Taking under consideration the weak economy we had many generous donors of beautiful trays. This event brought in a good number of people. Consequently our Tricky Tray was another success of our parish. Our special thanks are expressed to those who:

  • Donated Grand, Regular and Super Trays;
  • donated Door Prizes;
  • gave monetary donations;
  • paid for 50/50 tickets;
  • served as captains;
  • sold tickets;
  • did advertisements and solicitations;
  • picked up donations;
  • numbered the trays for the program;
  • set up the hall on Thursday;
  • delivered and set up trays on Friday;
  • served at the event by selling tickets, actings as runners, or working in the kitchen;
  • served as MC or security guards;
  • cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event;
  • and, to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize our Tricky Tray 2010.

And most especially and particularly to all who came out to support this event.

Thank you, and God bless you.

Fr. Joseph, Parish Committee and the Tricky Tray Committee

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September 2010

We are celebrating 84 years of service!

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, some important events took place at Holy Cross Church in July and August.

The beautiful summer with good adventures is almost ended. Our children went back to school to continue their education. The children were ready to go back to school so were their parents. 🙂

The regular schedule of our parish ministry begins today, September 12, 2010. The School of Christian Living program starts as well and our teachers are eager to hear children’s summer stories. The teachers Mrs. Karen Paulison, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, and Mrs. Natalie Lazar who joined the faculty along with substitute teachers Mrs. Karen Peano and Mrs. Carol Montero are ready to serve our children for their spiritual benefit in school year 2010 – 2011. We keep in our prayers Mrs. Michele Lazor and wish her successful medical treatment with a speedy and recovery.

ACOLYTE RETREAT: From Tuesday June 29, 2010 to Friday July 2, 2010 the Central Diocese Acolyte Retreat took place at Bp. Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center, Waymart, PA. Almost forty participants came from several parishes of our diocese including five altar servers from our parish: Nayef, Ned, Neil Kiame, Michael and Natalie Cyman. All participants had time to pray during Mass, before meals and before going to sleep. They enjoyed playing different games indoors and outside. They did swim in the pool with the presence of the life guard. Yes, the water was warm which helped adults to join as well. The pool was used every day. Participants hiked to the shore of Keen Lake – see the picture. They listened to interesting presentations at the retreat center (picture). The weather was excellent except one chilly night. The bon fire on Thursday made all of us one friendly family.

CONGRATULATIONS: On Sunday June 27, 2010 at the 11 AM Mass the Sacrament of Baptism received Gavin Estuardo DePrizo, son of Richard and Connie DePrizio. Godparents were Robert and Barbara DePrizio. On behalf of Holy Cross Church we congratulate Gavin, his big brother Tristan, parents, grandparents, family members and friends.

Dominick Bucci and his son David Bucci are in front of Fr. John Slysz Building fixing the flower planter. We thank them also for painting the railing and with Justin Obssuth power washed the Sunday School building, placed new mulch around shrubs and in the planters on the church premises. Justin cleaned the church parking lot. . We thank them for sharing their time and talent for the good of our parish.

CONVO 2010: The following students from our parish attended the PNCC biennial Youth Convocation held at the Monmouth University, Long Branch, NJ – July 26 – 30th 2010: Jason Cabrejos, Jasmine Cabrejos, Edward Obssuth Jr., Michael Cyman and two chaperones Judy Lamping and Fr. Joseph.

It was a great time of prayer, reflection, educational sessions, and fun. In the group picture (196 participants) Youth, Clergy, and Chaperones at COVO 2010 visiting Ellis Island. A prayer service was held at the plaque commemorating Bishop Hodur’s arrival in the United States

WE EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO: Italo Palman – a handy man – for installing a new gas valve in the church kitchen stove; installing new faucet on the wall facing the parking lot. Please support his business as he supports our church. See his ad in the church bulletin – tel. 201- 588-7157.

WELCOME NEW FAMILY: – We are glad to welcome Jason and Christine Tiseo and their precious daughters, Isabel and Patricia Rose as our newest addition to Holy Cross Church. On Sunday August 29, 2010 we enjoyed the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism of their daughter Patricia Rose. Godparents were Vincent Valerian and Ashley Carter. Best wishes to Tiseo Family we hope that the Holy Cross Church will be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.

Mystery Photo was revealed. The picture was taken of the missal located on the altar in our church. Correct answer was given by Monica Lukowiak.

My Friends, we all have the privilege to worship our Lord on Sunday. God’s commandments “Keep Holy the Lord’s Day” is reminding us about it. It is in the church where we present personal intentions to the Lord. In turn each Sunday our Savior nourishes us with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love. May God richly bless you.

I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me and my family in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Joseph

September 2010 Read More »

We Express Our Thanks To —

Italo Palman – a handy man – for installing a new gas valve in the church kitchen stove; installing new faucet on the wall facing the parking lot. Please support his business as he supports our church. See his ad in the church bulletin or just call him at 201- 588-7157.

Dominick Bucci, David Bucci and Justin Obssuth for power washing the Fr. John Slysz building, fixing the flower planter in front of the Sunday School; putting new mulch around shrubs and in the planters on the church premises, clearing the church parking lot and painting the railing in the front of Sunday school building.

May God bless all of you for your efforts!

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