
Annual Meeting, Election Results, and SOCL Awards

Our Annual Parish Meeting took place on Sunday February 9th with refreshments after the 9 AM Mass. Parish societies gave their reports at the meeting. Elections were held for the Parish Committee for the year 2014. Congratulation to the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee for the Year 2014 pending confirmation by our diocesan Bishop:

Chairman – Lynn Imperiale
Vice-Chairman – Bob Sleece
Recording Secretary – Claire Centrella
Treasurer – Richard Daum
Trustees: Dominick Bucci, Edward Obssuth, Hughie Vickerilla, Penni Lazor and Paul Murthy.
We welcome Paul Murthy as the new member of the Parish Committee.

We thank Lenny Hrinuk for his past service as the trustee of the Parish Committee.

Also elected were parishioners to serve as:

Parish Tribunal – John Surak and Penni Lazor
Auditors: Karen Hitchcock, Penni Lazor and Beverly Obssuth
Envelope Recorder: Karen Hitchcock
Seniorate Council Representatives: Alice Kriskewic and Judy Lamping
Delegates to General Synod: Richard and Lucy Daum, (alternates: Deacon David Gaydos and Judy Lamping)

We congratulate the following SOCL students for their perfect and good attendance awards which were also presented on Sunday, February 9th:

Perfect Attendance Awards: Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, Kenneth Hofmann, Gianni Maher, Declan Maher, Julien Patel and Giovanni Patel.

Good Attendance Awards: Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Natalie Cyman, Omar Abdelfattah, Lina Abdelfattah, and Hailey Hagal.

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Thank you for participating and serving in the Liturgy of the Nativity of the Lord

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas and blessed New Year 2014!

We thank all those who came to celebrate Christmas liturgies yesterday and today. Special appreciation is extended to our Sunday School teachers and children who yesterday participated in the Christmas Eve liturgy at 4 pm by serving as altar servers, reading the Holy Scripture and prayers of the faithful, bringing offertory gifts and wearing costumes of Mary, St. Joseph, Angels, Shepherds and Kings.

We remembered deceased parishioners by lighting special votive candles in their memory.

I thank Deacon David and Deacon Bill for their assistance, Lectors: Claire Centrella, Melissa Beancur, Richard Daum and John Surak, Greeters, Ushers, Organists: Neil Estanislao, Carol Dziuba and for the help of Eddy Obssuth and all who came and participated in the Liturgy of Nativity of the Lord.

God bless you all.

Fr. Joseph

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Christmas Party For Jesus

Our annual Christmas Dinner was held on Sunday December 8th with great attendance. We are thankful for the delicious, abundant, and festive food donated by Deacon David Gaydos and his wife Laurie and prepared by talented chef, Hughie Vickerilla. The menu was exceptional: Tilapia with Mango Sauce, Roast Chicken, Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Cheese Ravioli, coffee, soft drinks and more…

Our School of Christian Living students presented their “Happy Birthday Jesus” program which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. Santa came and distributed gifts to the precious children of the parish asking them in return to be good for another year.

We thank Renata Cyman and those who helped her to decorate the hall, and the Adoration Society and Daughters of Holy Cross for donating over 20 trays for a Tricky Tray raffle. In addition to that, there was a 50/50 cash prize and ANS Basket of Cheer raffled. Our words of appreciation are addressed to those who helped to set-up and clean up after the event. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for this celebration and anyone who helped to organize this event.

Please join us for our schedule of Christmas Holy Masses:

Christmas Eve (December 24th)

Christmas Vigil Holy Mass at 4 pm with children
Shepherd’s Holy Mass at 10 pm

Solemnity of the Nativity (Christmas Day – December 25th)

Solemn Holy Mass at 10 am.

Merry Christmas!

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Annual Christmas Dinner

On Sunday, December 8th Holy Cross Church is hosting its Annual Christmas Dinner with a delicious menu after 11am Holy Mass. Tickets are still available on first come first serve basis.

It is a great opportunity to spend time together with family and friends. We can reserve you a table upon your request (you need to purchase tickets upfront to make reservation – seats are limited). Children and youth are free of charge! They have been good this past year (:-)

The School of Christian Living children will present a Christmas Program and share a special cake as we will celebrate the Birthday of our Savior. Santa is coming as well! Take a picture with him! Enjoy Christmas music and sing-a-long.

Please call 973-256-4888 to purchase the tickets from the parish office or send your donation in the mail tomorrow. Please inform us if you are coming. We look forward to seeing you and your family with friends on Sunday!


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Acolyte Retreat 2013

The Central Diocese annual Acolyte Retreat was held at the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center in Waymart, PA from June 26th through 28th.

This year there were 22 young participants (11 from our parish) at the retreat with the presence of four clergy and four parents. Bishop Bernard Nowicki celebrated the Holy Mass and preached on Friday. There were four priests involved in the program: Fr. Sr. Walter Madej, Fr. Marian Pociecha, Fr. Rafal Dadello and Fr. Joseph Cyman. Mr. Joe Kolonko served delicious meals. The children helped him in the kitchen by cleaning the dishes and helping set up for meals.

We thank God for the beautiful weather that allowed everyone to have a great time at this beautiful location. The children and some adults enjoyed swimming in the pool with the supervision of Andrew, our lifeguard. There were games inside of the retreat center such as billiards and ping pong and outside games such as volleyball and basketball. After we hiked to Keen Lake on Thursday, children enjoyed the playground and some kayaked with adult supervision wearing life jackets.

During the retreat we had Holy Masses, and prayer services, singing various hymns and Christian songs. The bon-fire took place on Thursday with marshmallows. After enjoyment all were chased away by the heavy rain. No big deal. In the morning we were welcomed by beautiful weather again. Some visitors came such as Fr. Sr. Chromey, Fr. Carmen Bolock, and Fr. Sr. Mludzik. Thanks to all for sharing a great time! Fr. Joseph Cyman.

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The Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, June 23rd the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki, Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church, assisted by Rev. Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Rev. Mr. David Gaydos, and Rev. Mr. William Gaydos, conferred the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation by Confirming twelve of our youth. As we celebrated and rejoiced on this day, we also looked forward to our new confirmands witness of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Congratulation to all our Confirmands:

  • Melissa Faith Betancur, Sponsor – Nazal Hasan
  • Cristoforo Pio Carnemolla, Sponsor – Christina Gravino
  • Michael Joseph Peter Cyman, Sponsor – John Plaxa
  • Amber Rose Josephine Harth, Sponsor – Brianna Harth
  • Nayef Elias Luke Kiame, Sponsor – Angel Aldas
  • Alexis Anna Clare Kulbacki, Sponsor – Anthony Balogh
  • Monica Felicia Cecilia Kulbacki, Sponsor – Michael Balogh
  • Christopher James Joseph Paulison, Sponsor – Alissa Rose Elisabeth Paulison
  • Daniel John Bosco Reyes, Sponsor – Paulette Rodriguez
  • Andy James Leo Valer, Sponsor – Joel Puebla
  • Michael Vincent Szczesniak, Sponsor – Mariusz Skowron
  • Paul Peter McDonald, Sponsor – Jamie McDonald

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Parish Picnic Fun

Parish picnic

A big thank you all those parishioners who made our parish picnic last Sunday a success. We thank those who brought delicious dishes, desserts, prizes for children, baked food, and cleaned up after the event. We say heartfelt thank you and God bless you for sharing time and talents for the good of the parish.

Our children enjoying a game of water balloon toss led by Mrs. Jamie Santos
Our children enjoying a game of water balloon toss led by Mrs. Jamie Santos

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Well done SOCL students

Today 4 students: Natalie Cyman, Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, and Kenneth Hofmann received perfect SOCL attendance awards and certificates.

Also, 13 students: Lina Abdelfattah, Omar Abdelfattah, Michael Cyman, Nicholas Desch, Declan Maher, Gianni Maher, Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Aubrey Santos, Jessie Santos, Daniel Reyes, and Emily Reyes received good SOCL attendance awards and certificates after 11 am Holy Mass. It was enjoyable and special occasion!

We congratulate all children and thank teachers Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos and Mrs. Donna Fabricatore for their dedication for the good of our youth. We thank parents for their support and involvement in SOCL program. We look forward to begin SOCL classes on Sunday September 8th. Join this friendly and joyful group of students.

With best regards and prayers,

Fr. Joseph


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