
Easter Egg Hunt and Party

On Sunday April 7th the children of the parish from youngest to oldest enjoyed our annual Easter Egg Hunt. The weather was great. The Easter Party followed in the parish hall while the older children had preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. We thank Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos and Mrs. Donna Fabricatore, and our School of Christian Living teachers for their work preparing and organizing this event. Also we thank Mrs. Renata Cyman for helping set up the hall and the surprises for our children. We hope that all participants and their parents had a great time.

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Annual Parish Meeting

Our annual parish meeting will be held on the second Sunday of February, February 10th after 9 a.m. Holy Mass. The second Holy Mass that day will be at 11:30 a.m. There will be light refreshments after the 9 a.m. Holy Mass. The School of Christian Living will have their program in the Fr. John Slysz building with instruction provided by the youth enrolled in high school. All the societies of our parish are asked to give their annual reports for 2012 and their projects for 2013. Another important aspect of our Annual Parish Meeting will be the election of the Parish Committee.

The Parish Committee is the council, which meets once per month (usually for about one and half hours on the evening of the 3rd Wednesday of the month) to discuss issues and make decisions for the well being of the parish. Would you consider serving on this committee? Please contact Dominick Bucci 973-703-6473 or Fr. Joseph – 973-256-4888 for additional information.

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Christmas Party for Jesus

The annual Christmas Dinner was held last Sunday December 9, 2012. We enjoyed great attendance. We are thankful for the delicious and abundant festive food donated by Deacon David Gaydos and his wife Laurie, prepared by Edward and David Obssuth and their helpers.

The Sunday school students presented a program which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas came and distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be good for another year.

We thank Renata Cyman who decorated the hall, Claire Centrella who with the help of Merry Sleece and ANS members organized 20 baskets of Tricky Tray. In addition to that, there was a 50/50 cash prize and ANS Basket of Cheer raffled. Our words of appreciation are addressed to those who helped to clean up after the event. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for last Sunday’s celebration. Merry Christmas!

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Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas Dinner

We will hold our annual “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 9th after 11 A.M. Holy Mass. Adults $12. THE CHILDREN and YOUTH will be free of charge. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for an enjoyable afternoon with great menu and a Christmas Program by the children of our School of Christian Living. St. Nicholas (Santa) will visit us with presents for the children.

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Holy Cross’ hosted U-13A soccer travel team wins championship

On Friday August 31st Holy Cross’ West Paterson Nights received trophies for winning the championship with the Morris County Youth Soccer Association – Sprint 2012 Traveling U-13A league. The award ceremony was held at Holy Cross parish hall. One of the recipients was Michael Cyman, son of Fr. Joseph and Renata Cyman. Congratulations to all champions and we thank their coaches Joe and Walter.

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Car Wash

We thank each and everyone who patronized our car wash and supported this youth fundraiser by bringing their cars for hand car wash. We thank everyone who helped, especially Juan Reyes, his wife, son Christian and daughter Veronica who prepared the beautiful flyer for the car wash. They were instrumental in organizing and giving 120% for this event; Melissa Betancur and Gabriella Rotsaert who prepared signs and directed people from the street, Jessie and Aubrie Santos, Michael and Natalie Cyman, Jasmine Cabrejos, and Eddie Obssuth. We thank the Lord who kept away the rain which was scheduled for today. Renata Cyman who ordered pizza for refreshments and anyone who in any shape or form made the event a success. Our car wash brought in… $246 to support our youth. Wow!!!

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School of Christian Living Awards at Holy Cross

We thank the teachers of our School of Christian Living once again for their service in the 2011-2012 academic year. The parish gave our teachers beautiful roses representing our appreciation for their time and effort on behalf of our children. The parish also gave awards to the children for their good attendance and participation (Barnes and Noble certificates).

At 11 am Holy Mass from the left: Father Joseph Cyman, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, students: Michael Cyman, Nayef Kiame, Melissa Betancur, Ned Kiame, Nicholas Desch, Natalie Cyman, Neil Kiame, Hailey Hagal, DavidTorres, Sarah Malenchak. Missing in the picture are Mrs. Karen Paulison, Chris Paulison, Aubrie Santos, Jessie Santos, Gabriela Rotsaert, Amber Harth.

SOCL will start classes again on Sunday, September 9th. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation. God bless you all!

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Flea Market fun

Our Adoration Society and Daughters of Holy Cross along with their helpers are thanked for organizing a Flea market on Saturday June 2nd. Household goods, antiques, toys and many other items were available.

We thank parishioners and outside vendors who rented space – tables and supported the event.

We thank men who set up the hall on Thursday and the ladies who sold food in our kitchen.

Our children sold lemonade gave a warm welcome to everyone who came for the event.

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